Nicea s.r.o.
Rastislavova 765/38
04001 Košice
Slovenská republika
IČO: 51826551
IČ DPH: SK2120799461
China is the world's most populous country with a population of more than 1.4 billion as of 2019. Not only the country's population but also its economy puts China at the forefront of the world. The Chinese economy is considered to be one of the most dynamic and interesting economies in the world. Therefore, we summarized some interesting facts about its functioning, which can be useful in building your brand.
1. In terms of global economic growth, China has been the largest single contributor since the global financial crisis in 2008. Despite the slowdown in economic growth that has taken place in recent years, China is doing really well compared to advanced Western economies. During the last quarter of 2020, Chinese GDP growth reached 6.5%.
2. According to the latest estimates, China's GDP is projected to overtake that of the United States in about 2025.
3. he Chinese government has invested trillions of dollars in infrastructure which ensures the growth of the Chinese economy, economic wealth and increased corporate prosperity. Significant steps included securing new metro lines in several cities or easing monetary policy, the aim of which was to ensure sufficient money supply in the financial systems. The government also pledged to reduce taxes, which had the effect of enriching Chinese consumers, who could more easily buy not only domestic but also imported products.
4. Chinese consumers, like their North American counterparts, are among the most sophisticated in the world. These consumers are considered to be kind of value creators, as their influence leads to innovations within domestic and foreign companies in the area of products, prices, environmental protection and others.
5. By 2025, China is expected to build enough skyscrapers to fill ten New York-sized cities. It is estimated that by 2030, China should increase the population of its cities with as much as the entire current population of the United States - i.e. around 350 million people.
6. At the beginning of this decade, the size of beer market in China surpassed that in Europe. The amount of beer sold in China is growing by almost 10% every year, while quality producers of this popular hop drink are considered to be quality beer brands.
7. China consumes up to 53% of the world's cement, 48% of the world's iron ore and 47% of the world's coal. It is not much different with other major commodities, the volume of most of which is consumed by China.
8. China is currently the sixth largest producer of wine in the world and by 2058 its goal is to become the world's top producer.
Nicea s.r.o.
Rastislavova 765/38
04001 Košice
Slovenská republika
IČO: 51826551
IČ DPH: SK2120799461