Nicea s.r.o.
Rastislavova 765/38
04001 Košice
Slovenská republika
IČO: 51826551
IČ DPH: SK2120799461
Did you know that sales from social commerce, which includes social media and online media which promote social interaction, increased by 30% in 2020? Currently, social commerce accounts for up to 11.6% of total online sales across the country! In addition to these interesting facts, we have summarized other information about the trends of online business in China.
1. China is a world leader in retail
Thanks to the pandemic situation, total online retail sales in China increased by 10.9%, which exceeded the volume of online retail in the USA for the first time in history.
2. Social commerce is particularly popular
Sales within this sub-group of online commerce increased by 30% to USD 242 billion in 2020, representing 11.6% of total online commerce across the country.
3. The most trendy marketing tactic in China is livestream shopping
Livestream sales in China in 2019 amounted to more than USD 60 billion. Today, up to 62% of Chinese Internet users use livestream shopping
4. Competition among giants in online trading is growing
Pinduoduo is growing even faster than competing companies such as Alibaba or, quickly gaining market share. Pinduoduo attracted more than 585 million active customers last year.
5. COVID - 19 influences online food shopping
The COVID - 19 pandemic has largely supported China 's online food market. Forecasts say the market will reach USD 219 billion by the end of 2026.
6. The number of mobile payments is increasing
China is the world's leader in the number of mobile payments, with mobile payments reaching volume of USD 119 trillion last year, up 31.8% year-over-year..
Nicea s.r.o.
Rastislavova 765/38
04001 Košice
Slovenská republika
IČO: 51826551
IČ DPH: SK2120799461